maythebae    about    services


1999 born in New York City
2016 completed the High School Summer Live Fashion Forecasting program at FIT

graduated from Parsons School of Design with a BBA by majoring in Strategic Design & Management and double minoring in Communication Design & Fashion Communication


is a web designer by day and a cross-disciplinary artist by night. she’s based in brooklyn, new york and enjoys creating visually striking & conceptually rich content with elements of surrealist horror that pushes a deeper narrative capable of breaking fourth walls.

her explorative design practice oscillates between the real and the fictitious, assembling and reassembling web-found materials & embedding them with new-found qualities & identities to reconstruct them into digital surfaces, creative objects, visual languages, and soundscapes. she develops her content by curating highly-immersive & unique digital sensory experiences that takes inspiration from the variety of philosophical extremities that make up our biology & emotions. she approaches ideation and research with an open curiosity: referring to the creative process as an act of "meditative hunting"— in the process, she acts as an observer to the amorphous relationship between humankind, nature, and technology. 

her advanced experience with creative production, art direction, brand identity systems, and guerrilla marketing also allows her to document her eccentric + eclectic lifestyle & eye for design through innovative photo diaries and moodboard curations on social media. when she’s not busy bulldozing through her cold brew & working on her freelance projects, you can find her curating music or painting for her next collection on inprnt

she is also a strategic design and management alumna from parsons school of design and holds a bachelor's degree in business administration with two minors completed in fashion and communication design.

commission her for your next creative project! whether it’s building a website, curating your next launch event or styling your next collection, she’s always looking for new opportunities or people to collaborate with. so please, don't hesitate to contact her. don't worry, she probably won't bite. 

begin your journey with @maythebae here